A friend told me that I should say something about myself on this site. So here’s a copy-paste of my bio that I wrote for another purpose. Please excuse its length (or brevity, depending on how you look at it).
Rushdia Mehreen is a Master’s candidate in the department of Geography Planning and Environment at Concordia University, Montreal. Rushdia is a coordinating member of Free Education Montreal (FEM), was a member of the Comité aux Luttes Sociales (Social Struggles Committee) of ASSÉ/CLASSE from December 2011 – February 2013, and was elected to the Council of Directors of the Graduate Students’ Association (GSA) of Concordia from 2010 – 2011. Rushdia played a key role as part of the Concordia mobilization group “mob sqaud” and its strike committee. They organized students that led to historic mobilization via direct democracy and saw Concordia students’ eventual joining of the Quebec Student Strike – departments and faculties with over 16,000 students voted to go on the unlimited strike (where no history of such a strike existed)! Prior to working on issues related to accessibility of education as part of FEM since 2010, as one of the two departmental representatives (aka co-President), Rushdia worked on creating/formalizing the departmental student association (GEOGRADS) of her own department (Geography, Planning and Environmental studies), and later worked with other campus organizers to revive, radicalize or create their own departmental associations.
Rushdia has also been involved in organizing capacity with International Student Movement (ISM) globally and with its North America network since 2010 and have co-organized/coordinated multiple globally-coordinated demonstrations and a global student strike, in 2012. She also presented on student movement and mobilization at multiple student conferences, convergences and such within Canada, the USA and the UK (in person or via skype). She was also on the board of the QPIRG (Quebec Public Interest Research Group) – Concordia from 2011 to 2012, and on the board of Center for Gender Advocacy at Concordia from 2014 to 2015. Contact Rushdia at rushdia at riseup dot net or @rushmew.

Voilà la source de l’image (lol)